“What Shift? Now’s not the time to wait!”

I just got back from a great vacation with a bunch of Dutch iguanas and some fish and my family and I had a listing appointment, an appointment I went on the other day, actually it was yesterday and the client asked me…

Marjorie, you know it’s going to take us a couple weeks to clean up and we are thinking about getting ready but maybe we shouldn’t put our house on the market in September, because winter is coming, plants aren’t looking great, everything is dying, shouldn’t we just wait til after the winter?

I thought, you know, these people have been talking to everyone out there who thinks they shouldn’t sell their house until after the winter.  Let me tell you this, right now is September and the summers over, summer is a great season, there are a lot of buyers out there.

The interest rates are super low. We know what the market is like right now, we know that there’s no inventory, we know that there are qualified buyers looking for property, making offers on houses and not getting them, and the second time they do that, and the third time they do that, they are so excited, they want to go overboard and give you much more money than you ever imagined, in some cases.

We know what the market is like right now…

So lets say we let that go and we wait until November, December, January then February passes, well, who knows in January, February, March, April, are the interest rates going to be as low as they are now? Will there be more inventory on the market?

Typically people think they shouldn’t sell their house in the summer so, you’re going to see from say mid-September to Thanksgiving… you’ll see a lot more properties coming on the market so there will be more competition for you and also next November we’re having an election.

The election period is kind of funny. I’d say for the two weeks, three weeks even four weeks before the election the market doesn’t slow down, but it calms down a bit because people are wondering whats happening with the administration, who’s going to be elected.

What’s going to happen with the rates, what’s going on with the economy. Right now, we’re hearing all of this chat about the shift. What’s going on with the “shift” in real estate?

Well right now in DC, where I am, Montgomery County, Upper Northwest Washington there is no “shift” the market is amazing. So we know that now but we don’t know November, December, January, February, March will there be a shift?  Will there be a recession, that people are talking about?

So I would encourage you, if you’re going to sell your house and you know you want to sell your house, put it on the market now, start looking for buyers now, before the winter is over.  That’s my message for today.

Thanks for watching What’s Working Now, Tuesday at two. I’ll see you next week at the same time. Tell your friends.