Is the $2 Million Market Really a Slower Market?

The other day, someone told me they were seeing all these “For Sale” signs for homes in a higher price range and none of them were selling.

When you see these signs, don’t forget to differentiate between the ones that stay unchanged and the ones that eventually get a “SOLD” banner put over them. As you’ll see, anything that’s priced right—even in a $2 million market—will go under contract within 14 days.

In fact, I listed a home for $2.3 million not too long ago and had a ratified contract for it within three days. Soon after that, I listed a home for just under $3 million, and that home took just eight days to go under contract.

It doesn’t matter what market we’re in, what time of year it is, or which price range we focus on—if the price doesn’t match the product, buyers won’t make an offer.