How Home Staging Works for Savvy Sellers?

Welcome to another episode of “What’s Working Now!”

Today, I’m reporting to you live from my listing at 3201 Garfield Street NW…
On the edge of Cleveland Park…
Last summer, we sold this house for over $1,600,000…
But the story began 3 years earlier…
The owners hired another agent…
Who failed to sell their house in 3 months…
Frustrated, they took it off the market…
Then, three years later…
A mutual friend referred them to me…
That was last August…
You all know how I feel about staging…
And something shocking happened at the Garfield house…
That demonstrates exactly how important staging is…
In many cases, home staging has helped my sellers net an extra $100,000…
Or even more…
Sometimes, though, a motivated buyer will get a sneak preview…
Before the house is ready…
I invited an agent and her prospective buyers over to the Garfield house…
She was working with a family of four…
They came into the dining room…
The sellers had their wedding guest list on the wall…
The agent noticed it…
She couldn’t take her eyes off of it…
And she told her buyers…
“Come over here and see who’s invited to the wedding.”

There were also a number of personal photos…
And other wedding memorabilia in the dining room…
It turns out that the buyers were so distracted by all of these personal items…
They never really looked at the house…
After that…
We came in and made sure to pack away all personal photos that were in that dining room…
The kitchen walls were brown and covered in pictures as well…
So we cleared everything away…
Opened up the windows, and…
Made the house clean and shiny…
It sold right away…
As you can see…
Staging your home makes a huge difference…
See for yourself at…

To learn more about the value of preparing your home for the market…
You can sign up here for my next Staging Workshop
I’ll let you know about the next one…
Thank you for watching “What’s Working Now!”
Be sure to tune in next time…
For more on decluttering…
In the meantime…
If you have any other questions about real estate…
Or our current market…
Just give me a call at…
Or send me an email…
I’m here to help!

P.S. Watch something really cool my seller did…
It helped sell her home… CLICK HERE!