Going Under the Radar to Find Homes for Buyers

Welcome to the latest episode of “What’s Working Now!”

Today, I want to share a successful under-the-radar strategy for buyers frustrated by the lack of homes for sale.

Recently, I worked with some buyers who made an offer on a home. Unfortunately, there were two other buyers and my people didn’t win. They just weren’t ready.

Shortly after that, they became ready to make a purchase. The problem was that at that point, there was nothing to buy. I said, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll go find you a house.”

So, I put my sneakers on and went out to knock on some doors. I started calling expired listings and agents of properties that were under contract, hoping one would fall through.

Guess what? I found an agent who had a contract that was about to settle, and the sale was falling through.

I showed the house to my people, they made an offer, and they got it. Now they are getting ready to go to settlement.

So, remember when I put on my sneakers to go knock on doors? When I knocked on the very first door, I met some people who were not ready to sell their house, but they sent me a client. Their friend wanted to buy a house in a nice, big, fat price range, and there was not a house for her on the market.

I said, “Don’t worry about it. I’ll go find you a house!”

I started looking through expired listings, withdrawn listings, houses that were temporarily off the market, and houses that became rentals. I found three houses that were expired listings that were about to come back on the market. 

I made appointments for all three of those houses, and now we are negotiating on one of them.

If you are thinking of buying in 2018 but you’re frustrated by the lack of homes for sale, just give me a call. I know how to uncover hidden gems for you in our market.

If you are thinking of selling a house in 2018, I have something for you. It’s my new book, “Selling Secrets You Can’t Afford to Miss.” To get your free copy, visit DCHomeBlog.com/FreeBook.

Be on the lookout for my next video to find out “What’s Working Now!”

In the meantime, just give me a call or send me an email with any questions you may have. I would be happy to help you!